Before and Aftercare

Tattoo Care

The results and longevity of your tattoo will depend greatly on how you take care of your tattoo during the healing process and beyond. Each client’s skin will respond differently, both in the length of time it takes to heal, and the number of sessions needed for your desired results and colour retention. 

Pre Care PDF

Prior to your treatment

No alcohol 24 hours prior

You cannot be pregnant 

If you are breastfeeding you must express enough milk for 48 hours

No caffeine the day of

No blood thinners

Ombre Brows

No eyebrow tint for 2 weeks prior

No botox in lip area or lip filler/injections 2 weeks prior to procedure

No deep exfoliation 2 weeks prior (ex. Chemical peel, AHA or BHA products)

Lash Enhancement

No lash extensions or tints at least a 2 week before appointment

No lash enhancement serums a 2 weeks before appointment

Do not wear contact lesnses to the appointment

Lip Blush

If you suffer from cold sores, you need to be taking acyclovir/ zovirax at least 3 days prior to your appointment and continue to take it 3 days after your procedure.

No botox in lip area or lip filler/injections 2 weeks prior to procedure

Not following these rules will result in forfeiting your appointment and deposit

What to avoid during healing

No activities that will cause extreme sweating for 3 days.

No swimming pools, hot tubs or other bodies of water for 2 weeks.

No uv exposure (including tanning beds) for 2 weeks.

No scratching, picking or licking of dry skin or flakiness.

No exfoliants, retinol acids, glycolic acids and alpha hydroxy acids on the area for 30 days after the appointment (causes premature fading).

No massages, facials or skin treatments for 5 days

Ombre Brows 

No bleaching, waxing, electrolysis or laser hair removal for 2 weeks

Do not apply any make up close to the brow area for a minimum of 3 days

Lash Enhacement 

Do not wear contact lesnses for 24 hours

Do not apply any make up close to the eye area for a minimum of 3 days

Lip Blush

Do not apply any make up close to the lip area for a minimum of 3 days

No spicy foods during the first 24 hours

No kissing for 5 days to prevent infection  

No getting lips wet you must drink through a straw to avoid this

Long Term Care For Your Tattoo

PMU typically lasts between 1-3 years

  • Exposure to the sun and tanning beds can cause fading and discolouration of the pigment.
  • Avoid using chemical exfoliants as it will cause fading.
  • Do not get laser near your enhancement (IPL). Some lasers may change the colour of the ink.
  • Annual touch ups will keep the tattoo looking its best.
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